Portfolio of Margus Tamm

KP / The Haunted History Museum

Work for Köler contemporary art prize/competition.
Köler Prize is the Estonian version of Turner Prize. Nominees submit two works of their own choosing: one new and one that has been exhibited previously. For my exposition I decided to present works of other authors, from outside or in margins of artworld.


The Haunted History Museum presents the works of two Estonian outsider-authors - Jüri Henno and Harri Koor.
Harri Koor is a village-carpenter who in his spare time builds military monuments dedicated to WWII. His DIY monumental landscapes are a bricolage of found objects, folklore, and totalitarian symbolics. One could say that he perpetuates the unwanted, expelled history by mixing together trashed everyday-objects and ideological waste-materials.
Jüri Henno is an independent publisher whose life-long work is the restoration the Book of Wisdom – a mythical primordial text which went lost, thus causing the downfall of the once great Estonian nation. Jüri Henno uses various methods and sources: he works with archives, collects folklore and employs the technics of transcendental communication. Additionally, he leads the spiritual group of 20-30 members, dedicated to his cause. At the exhibition, Jüri Henno's nearly-finished manuscript was projected to the pages of an empty book.

Documentary short films: in co-operation with Liisi Eelmaa
Special thanks: Argo Peever, Marta Stratskas